9 Signs You Need To See An Optician

If you’ve found this article, it’s probably because you are concerned about your vision and you want to check if your symptoms might call for a visit to the optician. Most eye issues progress slowly and are hard to catch. But the earlier they are detected the better since these issues can be tackled with a simple visit to the optician.

Find out from the list below if you are facing any eye problems so you can begin taking preventive action for the betterment of your eyes.

  1. Damaged spectacles

While this might seem like a no brainer, there is a logical explanation as to why a visit to the optician matters. While you might have used some glue or tape to keep your specs together, it isn’t ideal to use broken frames for your eyes. Prescription glasses are made to perfection based on your pupillary distance only at the optician. Any changes to the fitment might be detrimental to your sight. Now some unique online platforms like spexmojo.com make it easier to select a new frame and book an appointment with an optician nearby so you get a perfect fitment every time.

  1. Frequent headaches

Headaches can be usually attributed to vision problems. The ocular muscles are constantly at work to ensure your eyes function properly. When they overwork, thanks to vision issues, it triggers a headache. Your optician can check for this and suggest the best options. 

  1. Red, itchy or dry eyes

Eye irritations such as these are quite common and usually nothing to worry about. But it can sometimes be a symptom of an eye condition. 

Dust allergies could also result in similar signs due to straining your eyes. If the symptoms persist, book an appointment with your optometrist at a nearby expert optician to ensure everything is fine with your eye health. If you are concerned about your symptoms you could ask your optician in your next visit about this or any other issues you face.

  1. Floaters, flashes or spots

Sometimes thin string-like things seem to drift in your vision and dart away when you try to look at them directly. They may look to you like dark specks, strings, or webs but are microscopic fibres within the vitreous that tend to bunch together and cast tiny shadows on your retina. These shadows you see are called floaters and seeing them once in a while is not a big deal. If you are seeing too many of them it is a cause for concern and a call to visit your optician.

  1. Frequent squinting

We tend to squint when we want to limit the amount of peripheral light entering our eyes. Squinting itself is not a concerning behaviour. But if you are doing it often, especially when seen in kids, it’s important to visit the optician as it might be a sign of vision impairment.

  1. Frequently watering eyes

A massive chunk of the population suffers from eye strain owing to the rise in screen time. Additionally, if you have some sort of blurry vision and it is unaddressed for a long time this can cause the eyes to water. This is a clear indication of an eye issue and a visit to an optician will help find a solution.

  1. Moving the object to different distances

If you have to move items near or far to see better, it’s the clearest indication that you need spectacles. It could be a case of near-sightedness or far-sightedness which can be easily found out with an optician. 

Additionally, if you are struggling to read in low light consider meeting your optician.

  1. You can’t remember your last eye- exam

If you have to strain to remember your last optician visit, there is no second thought that it's high time you visited an optician. Whether or not you think you have great eyesight it is recommended that everyone is supposed to visit an optician and get their eye tested at least once in two years. Since eye issues progress slowly, we are not the best judges of our eye health and let the opticians do their job. If you are 40 years of age or above, then you have all the more reasons to get it done at least every 6 months.

  1. Excessive digital device usage

Additional research says that in 2020, 27.5 crore Indians damaged their eyesight due to excessive screen time in the lockdown. A major reason for this damage was since education, work and entertainment moved online due to the coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

If you are someone who is in front of a computer most times of the day, then you must book an appointment with your nearest optician.

Disclaimer-This article/blog does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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